Traffic Safety Tip Thursday
Halloween means giggling ghosts and winsome witches will be trick-or-treating in your neighborhood! Children will focus on the excitement of Halloween and forget about safety, so it’s up to parents, care givers and motorists to take special care so that everyone has a safe and happy holiday.
Stay alert. Neighborhoods that don’t normally have a lot of pedestrian and bicycle traffic may experience an increase on Halloween night. Trick-or-treaters may suddenly dart into traffic from between parked cars.
Slow Down. Give children lots of time to cross the street. Their costumes may impair their ability to see and hear you, and to get out of your way quickly.
Be cautious. Watch for children walking in the street, especially if there are no sidewalks in the neighborhood. Kids will be excited and may forget to “stop, look, and listen” before they cross the street.…/driving-safety/halloween-safety