Missing Child: Jace Saunders
- Missing Since: December 15, 2024
- Age: 5 years old
- Sex: Male
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Brown
- Height: 3’00”
- Weight: 55 lbs
- Race: White
- From: Tavares, Florida (Lake County)
Child’s Last Known Outfit:
Jace was last seen wearing a long-sleeve black shirt with a multicolored graphic and dark-colored pajama pants.
Suspected Abductor: Kelly Day-Dasilva
- • Age: 50 years old
- • Sex: Female
- • Hair: Brown
- • Eyes: Brown
- • Height: 5’02”
- • Weight: 120 lbs
- • Race: White
Vehicle Information:
They may be traveling in a black Honda Accord.
Jace Saunders was last seen in the area of the 1000 block of Wells Avenue in Tavares, Florida. A Florida AMBER Alert has been issued, and the child is believed to be in the company of Kelly Day-Dasilva. If you see them, DO NOT APPROACH. Call law enforcement immediately.
Contact Information:
- Tavares Police Department: 352-343-2101
- FDLE: 1-888-FL-MISSING (1-888-356-4774)
- Or call 9-1-1
Please share this alert and help bring Jace safely home.