Will you be an Auburndale HS student who is interested in participating in sports in the upcoming 2024-25 school year?
Plan ahead and register now for the FREE Physicals that will be offered at Davenport HS on May 31st – Auburndale HS has the 11:00am time slot. Physical forms must be completed & signed before attending the FREE physical
For this upcoming school year, a physical must be dated May 25, 2024 or later in order to be valid to participate in sports in the summer & upcoming school year.
Helpful Reminders:
✓Sports packets should be available beginning Friday, May 24th in the main office.
✓Must use physical form provided by Polk County NOT the doctor’s office. Physical form will be in the sports packet. (it is new & has been updated from last year)
✓Aktivate will be open May 20th for the new school year (do not upload any forms until this date)
✓Once physical is completed after May 25th, UPLOAD ONLY PAGE 4 of the EL2 physical form.
✓Student-athletes may begin watching your required videos NOW.
Concessions in Sport, Sudden Cardiac Arrest & Heat Illness Prevention.
Upload your certificates of completion once Aktivate opens on May 20th
✓The updated blank EL2 physical form will also be available to be downloaded from Aktivate after May 20th.
Please remember: a student-athlete WILL NOT be able to participate in any summer workouts, practices, leagues, tryouts until you have completed all paperwork & uploaded paperwork to Aktivate AND have been cleared by the athletic director.