Home Highlands County Local Highlands County Fire Rescue honors those who lost their lives on Sept....

Highlands County Fire Rescue honors those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001.

“Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America.”

President George W. Bush, Sept. 11, 2001

“For those too young to recall that clear September day, it is hard to describe the mix of feelings we experienced. There was horror at the scale – there was horror at the scale of destruction, and awe at the bravery and kindness that rose to meet it. There was shock at the audacity – audacity of evil – and gratitude for the heroism and decency that opposed it. In the sacrifice of the first responders, in the mutual aid of strangers, in the solidarity of grief and grace, the actions of an enemy revealed the spirit of a people. And we were proud of our wounded nation.”

Former President George W. Bush, Sept. 11, 2021

Thank you to all who came out today to remember and honor those lost on that fateful day 23 years ago.

Special thanks to:

HCFR FF/Medic Tony Perez, for leading today’s ceremony

Father Scott Walker, HCFR chaplain, for the invocation

Rebecca Willis, for singing the national anthem

West Sebring board member Mel Williams, for the closing prayer

Speakers: Highlands County Commissioner Scott Kirouac, County Administrator Laurie Hurner, District Chief Joe Romanik, and HCFR Fire Chief Kelly Duppenthaler

Honor Guard: Lt. Luis Rodriguez, Sebring Firefighter Frank Olivero, and Lt. Jaqueline Hilts – all three were or are volunteers with West Sebring Volunteer Fire Department

VFW Post 4300 honor guard


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