Home Highlands County Local FWC Approves Rule Changes For Atlantic Gag And Black Grouper Recreational Harvest

FWC Approves Rule Changes For Atlantic Gag And Black Grouper Recreational Harvest

At its December meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved a rule to modify recreational regulations for gag and black grouper to be consistent with current and pending regulations in adjacent Atlantic federal waters. The recreational management changes for gag and black grouper in Atlantic state waters, including Monroe County, include:

  • Establishing a combined two-fish recreational vessel limit.
  • Prohibiting for-hire captain and crew bag limit retention.

Recently, the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council approved management changes to help rebuild the gag grouper fishery, which has been undergoing overfishing for decades. Because gag and black grouper historically have been managed with the same recreational regulations due to misidentification between the species, the Council also approved the same recreational measures for black grouper. The intent of the rule is to help prevent incidental harvest of gag grouper and ultimately help rebuild the gag grouper stock and end overfishing.

Consistent regulations between Florida’s Atlantic state and federal waters can help improve the stock status of gag grouper, end overfishing, and improve regulatory compliance and enforcement.

These new gag and black grouper recreational regulations will go into effect at a later date once pending federal regulations have been implemented.

Learn more about recreational saltwater fishing regulations at MyFWC.com/Marine or download the Fish Rules App, at Instagram.com/FishRulesApp or Facebook.com/FishRulesApp.

For more information about Commission Meetings, including the December 2024 Commission Meeting presentation, visit MyFWC.com/Commission and click on “Commission Meetings.”