Home Highlands County Local Reminder About False-Warrant Scams – From Highlands County Sheriff’s Office

Reminder About False-Warrant Scams – From Highlands County Sheriff’s Office

Consider this a (now what seems weekly) reminder that no law enforcement agency will EVER call you about a warrant and say you can pay to make it go away.

A warrant means a judge has ordered you to be arrested. You don’t get to pay cash, bitcoin, gift card or any other method to avoid that. If you have a warrant, you’re taking a ride to jail and we are the kind of folks who just drop by unexpectedly (yeah, we know that’s kind of rude but for some reason people with warrants just don’t want to make plans with us).

It also doesn’t matter if the caller ID makes it look like the call is coming from the agency’s number. Your average 12-year-old can probably figure out how to disguise where they are calling from so a scammer can, too.

While we are here:

– The power company will never call you and demand payment to avoid having your electricity cut off.

– Toll agencies do not text you about unpaid toll charges.

– That package you didn’t even know you were expecting is not held up somewhere because they need more information to deliver it.